
Saying Tehillim

The entire tehillim will be recited daily

Friday, May 6, 2011

the following pictures were taken on 5/5/11. the pictures of Binyamin eating are special since its been days since he ate - and he was blowing me kisses. the pictures of Binyamin with the older boys is cute since the boys came to the hospital today to see if they are bone marrow donor matches. anyways with my Drs. permission we snuck Binyamin out of the Oncology ward (where he is kept in his room 24/7 in isolation since he has a slight "cold") and took him into a conference room to spend about 20 min visiting with his brothers (who were given Oreo cookies for being so brave and sharing their blood to make their brother stronger). Enjoy the pics :o) Keep doing Mitzvahs to help him get stronger!


Ali Bhatia said...

So from all the pics i have concluded that he is obsessed with phones!!! (abit like sophie!)you are amazing for posting them, Thank you so much, may his appetite only increase and may he go from strength to strength xxx

Lisa said...

Beautiful - thank you for sharing these pics, happy to seem him eating and smiling and may he have continued strength and a complete r'feuah.